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Friday 12 February 2016



That i can add one plus one thanks to education
its a hammer that makes me build a good reputation
its the backbone and the pillar of our great nation
i treasure it like oxygen, that, i have to mention.

Mama and papa please take me ton school
marriage is not for me in really need that knowledge
its the key to the door leading to a good life 
it may be a muddy pool but in it i wonna dive.

you say its roots are bitter but for sure the fruits are sweet
like dice pineapples the sweetness just drip
then flows like a river carring along a bright future
converting me from a simple to a perfect creature.

we all live ones but education never ends
 just like technology it always trends
its not like fashion it always stands
thats why i crave to have it even if a shred.

Apart from safaricom, education is the better option
in my heart it owns the largest portion 
give me a pen and a paper and i will start a motion 
walking through my course in education, all the way to my promised nation

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